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One of the prior needs of the global community is doctors who know how to use the latest techniques and the most advanced technologies in health-care by planning and implementing scientific and academic research. Given these facts, the main goal of IMU School of Medicine is to play an important role in the provision and the exploration of knowledge in this field.
Aiming to be the leader in medical education and research, IMU School of Medicine is centrally located in a modern urban academic health center that provides an exceptional environment for students interested in basic science, clinical investigation, public health and health services oriented research.
IMU School of Medicine requires passionate students who would bring enthusiasm and creativity to their work.
The duration of education in the School of Medicine is six years preceded by one year of English language teaching for those who fail in a proficiency exam. During succeeding medical education, minimally 30% of the courses are instructed in English.
Educational Programs
- The highly integrated program combines lectures with laboratory and clinical applications.
- Patient contact becomes an integral part of the program in an early stage and remains consistent.
- Clinical programs are offered at IMU Teaching and Training Hospital, one of the biggest private hospital complexes in Turkey.
IMU School of Medicine’s educational program is designed to train physicians equipped with the clinical skills and knowledge for providing modern healthcare. The basic science curriculum is taught in an innovative format, integrating traditional teaching techniques like lectures with small group problem seminars and laboratory exercises. There is an emphasis on self-directed learning and teamwork. Clinical skills are introduced in the very first week of the first year of education.
Patient contact is introduced by the second year of education. Starting from this level, clinical experience and learning are provided by a combination of lectures, seminars, student-conferences, tutor sessions, hands-on teaching, and patient activities. The formal clinical training of the fourth and fifth-year students offers comprehensive courses providing the necessary preparation for post-graduate training in the full range of disciplines that comprise modern medicine. In the sixth year of medical school – the “internship” period – the emphasis is on diagnostic reasoning and medical decision making.
Considering the importance of global health at present, many students are encouraged to do clinical or research international electives.
Admission Requirements:
- High school diploma or equivalent.
- Transcripts from high school or any previously attended colleges.
- SAT or ACT scores (if available).
- Personal statement or essay (if available).
- Letters of recommendation (usually 1-3), (if available).
- English Qualification certificate or equivalent like TOEFl, IELTS …etc (if available).
- Passport.
- Biometric Photo.
Key Information:
Istanbul Medipol University - Turkey (1/10)